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Dear Customers, this is to inform you that DBJETS is currently going under upgradation and migration process to another platform which will take few days. I have not been given a desired timeframe but we are trying our level best to get this done as soon as possible. This will enhance user experience, faster loading, better payment process, shipping process, website background, design etc. So the wait will be fruitful for sure. However please note, PLEASE DON'T PLACE ANY ORDERS IN WEBSITE RIGHT NOW EVEN IF YOU SEE IT LIVE BECAUSE ITS NOT YET READY. Once its live, message will be send to all customers. If you want to place any orders, you can do offline orders, basically back to our previous method of orders for time being. You can place orders in whatsapp by messaging on 7738074740 or can email also at dbjets777@gmail.com Once the website is completely functional, i will personally send you a message. Thankyou for your co-operation and patience.